Updates from the Studio

After finishing my big order and meeting other deadlines, I am finally starting to slow down a little over here (which really is not that slow because I have problems moving slow!) I am taking a little lunch break at the moment while I wait for my next holiday tutorial to dry which I will be posting later today and wanted to post a few updates.

I am in the midst of adding a few more new things to my Etsy shop today and I will be taking orders and shipping up until Monday, December 21st before MAKE myself REALLY slow down and then head out to Oregon for the holiday.

Also a reminder that ALL of my online classes are available for registration at any time and there is no start or end date (except for the upcoming Graffiti Chic part 2 which I am currently filming and starts January 25th!) Lots of material, inspiration, 25-40 videos and more with unlimited access!

I am working on new ideas, teaching opportunities and directions for the new year and I want you- my readers and friends to feel free to offer ideas, requests and even unique teaching venues! Feel free to email!

I am now going to curl up with a big cup of hot chocolate and read the latest book by Linda Woods and Karen Dinino- Meeting in the Ladies Room. Tomorrow I will be blogging about the book so stay tuned!!
