crafting for kids: homemade lip scrub

Today I am thrilled to announce a new contributor here on the blog! Please welcome Madolyn Oliver, daughter of my dear friend Jeanne Oliver. Maddy is a really creative gal who will be sharing kid/teen friendly projects here on the blog!

I love cosmetics! Lip scrubs, bath salts, bath bombs, body name a cosmetic and most likely I'll fall in love with it. Sadly, most of the time cosmetics can be really expensive so it got me thinking, "Why don't I just DIY it?". And that's exactly what I did!  

I have a very simple and easy lip scrub recipe. 

Ingredients and Supplies

1 1/2 Tbs. white or brown sugar (I used brown sugar) 
1/4 Tsp. olive oil 
2-3 drops essential oils (I used peppermint) 
Small container (I bought mine at the local natural grocers)

Mix the sugar, olive oil and essentials oils together in a small bowl until the sugar is coated.

Transfer the mixture into your smaller container and that is it!  So simple!

You can see more of Maddy here- 

Creatively Made Kids (a free series)

Study Hall Studio (back to school DIY)
