To USD with Love

Eight years ago I moved to San Diego from Oregon to start fresh and to see if a relationship would work with my now husband (living in the same city).  Back then I am not sure what I set out to accomplish- I was in love and looking to change my life ( I did not have much of a plan) The first thing I needed before moving was a job and when I flew to San Diego to interview at USD  I had no idea at the time how much a job would affect my life.  In the last eight years I worked many different positions at the university (I even lived with students for a lot of the time) always looking for something that would click, where I felt like I could stay forever and be comfortable. I am now happy to say that this never happened, I was always uncomfortable, always wanting something more in work which has lead me to this new chapter in my life- I never thought I would be so grateful for being uncomfortable! 

After having some time to reflect on the last eight years, I've found myself feeling so blessed to have the lessons and experiences that my job at the university provided me- the greatest being the people and the relationships.  I started my life here not knowing anyone except my husband and I can honestly say that I am walking away from a job with some of the most amazing and wonderful friends that I ever could have hoped for.  People who encouraged me, who saw the real me, who listened, who trusted, who provided something that I never really had and that was community in a job.  So many people in my day in day out life at work were why I made it through each and every day- while I was never truly fulfilled in my job duties, I was overflowing with friendship on a daily basis and for that I am so thankful. Last night a group of us gathered for one last hooray and as I looked around at all the friends I have, at how different each of them are and how each of them has brought something special to my life- my heart was full and it makes all the ups and downs of this crazy journey totally worth it!

I have to give a huge shout out to USD, to my lovely and wonderful friends, to eight years that were challenging, awkward and wonderful all at the same time- Thank YOU all so much! I can't wait to carry our friendship into this next chapter!!!
