So my week did not quite start out the way I had planned. Yesterday we were dealing with my hubby's car getting broken into- see previous post. By the end of the day we finally got things fixed and taken care of but what a pain!! I am happy to say that life is back to normal (whatever that is) today. I am in full work mode, trying to get everything accomplished and ready for my day job coming to an end (8 days and counting!!) and my art life starting which will kick off with a trip to Oregon- half of the trip at the coast in my hometown hanging with the family and the other half teaching at ArtFiberFest in Portland!! There is so much to do not only for the trip but for the next chapter in my life... but this is the time that I work best in- crunch time!!
I have been working on my online teaching schedule and I am happy to announce a new 5 week class called Recycling Remix that starts July 13th (the first 10 people to register get a one of a kind messy journal-made by your truly) as well as another round of Graffiti Chic starting in August. (See the posts below this one)
I have continued to work on getting lots of new stuff ready for the Artists Marketplace at ArtFiberFest- just a reminder if you are in Portland or even nearby stop by for some WONDERFUL handmade wares:
Friday June 26th
Reed College, Student Union Building
Parking and admission is FREE!
I have also been working on more handmade goodies for the Renagade Craft Fair in Los Angeles on July 11th and 12th I am creating all sorts of brand new purses and accessories so if you are in the area- drop by and visit me!!! (more info to come later!!)

Then I will be off to Arizona to teach at Art Unraveled- Larger than Life on August 10th and Trashy Clutch on August 11th. I am pretty sure there is still time to register so if you want to join me for some messy fun check out the Art Unraveled site for more info!
There will be lots more coming in the next few weeks so stay tuned in!
In not so exciting news...remember how I was growing my hair out a while back? Well, I gave in and chopped it-YIKES- for some reason I have the hardest time with my hair growing out and feel so much more like myself with my short crop. Oh well, perhaps I will start all over again this summer but for now I don't have the time to mess with fixing hair!
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