What day is it? Oh yes it is Wednesday- day number 3 of my first week of being self employed and I am exhausted but in a really good way. I have been working so hard preparing for the Renegade Craft Fair in LA this weekend (please come visit if you are in the area!) and if life was different and the last month had not been spent leaving my day job and then traveling to teach in Oregon (and if I had NOT hurt my back) I would not have to cram all kinds of work into just one week....But miraculously, I am actually on top of everything and just about ready to head up to LA early Sat. morn.

I am also trying my best to get caught up on email, shipping the last of my etsy orders out and try to begin to plan the next year- unfortunately time is not on my side this week but I will just have to do my best. I am also preparing for my next online class, Recycling Remix and I cannot wait- this is my PASSION right now- making art out of trash so check out the information here..its gonna be SO creative and FUN and in my opinion the best one yet!
Ok I am off to try and relax for a bit and then it is off to bed and then back to the creative grind tomorrow!!
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