A couple of weeks ago I lost one grandmother and at the same time the other grandmother had a bad stroke-needless to say life has been a little sad and challenging lately.
I have been up in the northwest and while I have only been gone for a few days it feels like forever- I flew into Seattle and jumped right in to helping my mom pack and clean my grandmother's home and lots of time spent visiting with her at her new home in assisted living. I was not at all prepared for the experience and I am not sure if there really is any way to prepare but it is a strange combo of love, sadness, stress, humor and lots of confusion. I am amazed that my grandma Ona is doing pretty good after what her body has been through- she is very confused, weak and emotional but overall good- at 91 she is now having to learn how to write, use a fork, walk and live all over again and it was quite a powerful experience to watch my mom teaching and encourging her with all of these things. From practicing writing to teaching her how to use the remote control to showing her how to pick out clothes that match we spent A LOT of time just being together trying to be normal. After a whirlwind of emotions and activity up in Seattle, I am now at home on the quiet but stormy Oregon coast for a few days of R&R at home- taking time to process everything and simply enjoy and reflect on what it means to be a family :)
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