In my artistic experience creativity always seems to strike at the most unexpected moments! For me it has always worked this way- when a painting assignment was due in college, I all of a sudden was inspired to carve something from stone with techniques I had learned the year before in a sculpture class- GO FIGURE! When there was a test the next day, I just had to paint (instead of study). When there was a big meeting at the office, I SO wished I was drawing instead (and often would draw while sitting in meetings). It has taken me years to learn and implement discipline into my creative life- something that I fought against because I believed art should have no rules, no discipline, it should be freedom! Thankfully with time (and bad grades and missed deadlines) have grown to understand that even art and creativity can use a little focus and restraint at times. In fact as I write this I am taking a breather from over 10 hours of sewing purses today which after hour 2 started to feel like a task-and we all know tasks usually don't feel very creative- by hour 3 I started wishing more than anything that I could drop everything and paint a mural in a section of my studio wall (hows that for random?). I am proud to say that I have successfully kept my artistic wits about me and truly focussed on the wonderful and creative task I MUST complete today. Tomorrow I'll paint that mural- that is if creativity strikes.
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