sew wild is almost here

My friends I am so excited because I just received an advance copy of my new book Sew Wild and I have been eagerly reading through it all (over and over again). Getting to hold a real copy in my hands is SO exciting because this book was a labor of love! Writing a book is hard but writing a book about sewing (even if it is about break the rules sewing) is REALLY, really labor intensive but so worth it when all is said and done.

The book looks amazing! It is shaped in a square and is 143 pages packed with all kinds of ideas and inspiration, techniques and projects.

And the best part is that is comes with a DVD of your truly demonstrating all kinds of additional concepts and techniques!

I will be sharing lots more as the release date gets closer (Aug 29th) and will also be offering some brand new online classes inspired by the book and blog tutorials that will hopefully get your inspired to start sewing wild!

For information and to order Sew Wild Visit-

and of course any online book store
