new online classes!

I have been working on number of things for the new year that I will be sharing in the weeks to come.


The first is a brand new online class that is a little different from the rest of my classes- called Create Daily. Recently, with all of the changes in my life, I've been doing a lot of reflection on how important it is for me to be creative and even more important to try and make time for it. As an artist, I need to be doing something daily to foster my growth and passion for art. Not only does it make me a better artist but it helps me to to survive everything that life throws my way. For years now, I have been setting aside time to do something creative every single day- it has become a practice that has brought clarity, balance and joy to my life.

create daily from Alisa Burke on Vimeo.

song-1901 by phoenix

Inspired by my own creative habits, I've created an online class that is structured as a 30 challenge for those looking to start a new routine that incorporates simple ways to be creative every day regardless of your schedule. From simple drawing and painting exercises to easy craft projects, photography, journaling and ways to find inspiration- I have assembled 30 posts- one SIMPLE idea, lesson or project to complete one day a time. The concept is that you commit to 30 days of doing something creative and small each day (or as much time as you are able to commit-there is no pressure!) and by the end of those 30 days you have developed a new habit or at least a new understanding of how to fit creativity into your daily routine!

The class goes live January 1, 2012- what better way to start the new year!
Just like the rest of my online classes you have unlimited access and the ability to work at your own pace so follow alone for the month of January or jump in down the road when you are ready for some creativity!

For all the class details head on over to my online shop!



I've also been hard at work on Sketchbook Delight Part 2! I really can't believe the feedback and amazing amount of participation that Sketchbook Delight has received and after many requests I have put together a sequel full of advanced sketching and drawing techniques, projects, drawing prompts, new concepts and lots of INSPIRATION! While the class won't be going live until February 1st I have decided to open registration it for the holidays (just in case you are looking for something unique to give or receive).

Head over to my online shop for more information
