I've always loved coffee, I think I started drinking it back in high school and for many years I drank A LOT (probably too much). Back when I got pregnant I kicked my habit but slowly, over the last couple of years, coffee has made it's way back into my life- this time in moderation. I can't do lots of caffeine these days but I really love the taste of coffee so I allow myself about 1/4 cup of coffee. Over time I've come up with a really simple way to turn my small daily allowance into something yummy- coconut iced coffee!
Coconut milk is my secret ingredient! I don't drink regular milk, I've always had a hard time with it but I LOVE coconut milk. While I drink it alone, it wasn't until recently that I started adding it to my coffee and in my opinion, it is better than any flavored creamers. It is rich, sweet and that coconut flavor is so yummy! Here is how I prepare my iced coffee.
1/4 cup brewed coffee
We love our local Columbia River Coffee Roaster's special blends.
I like to combine 1 cup coconut milk and a handful of ice
There are all kinds of opinions and ways to make iced coffee and technically the best iced coffee is made with a cold brew method. There are a few different ways to cold brew your coffee but I've found the French press method is the easiest for me. You simply combine your coffee grounds and water in a French press, let the everything steep overnight in the fridge and the next day, press the coffee. You will have a rich, concentrated batch of cold brewed coffee that tastes WAY better over ice!
This is such a simple combination but SO tasty!
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